Nintendo DS & DSi
Internal Development/Test Print Top Halves
- Listing Price: 9999¥ (Showoff Listing)
- Listing Description: "This is my first time seeing this. Does anyone know the origin of this machine? Nintendo World New York"
- Listing Description (Original): "第一次见,有了解本机出处的吗,纽约任天堂世界"
Description to be added...
Engineering Test DS Lite
- Listing Price: 158¥
- Listing Description: "Nintendo Not for Sale Japanese Version NDSL Engineering Test Machine Pearl White"
- Listing Description (Original): "任天堂 非卖品 日版NDSL 工程测试机 珍珠白色"
In a case similar to that of the Nintendo RED Chinese Version DS below, not much is known about this system aside from what is mentioned in the listing's description.

Factory Test Cartridge
- Listing Price: 1599¥
- Listing Description: "Nintendo Factory Test Card"
- Listing Description (Original): "任天堂工厂测试卡。"
DSi 'TWL EVA 3.1' Memory Board
- Listing Price: 100¥ (Though, this seller often does not list items for their genuine prices)
- Listing Description: "A copy of Nintendo's finished product inspection board TWL EVA. Version 3.1, dated December 21, 2009. During the production of Nintendo's DSi system, the software was used inside the factory to evaluate each unit before it was put on the shelves."
- Listing Description (Original): "任天堂完成品检查基板 TWL EVA的副本。版本3.1, 日期为2009年12月21日。在任天堂DSi系统的生产过程中, 该软件曾在工厂内使用, 以评估每一个单元, 然后将其放入货架。"
A 'TWLC-FMCOM-01' memory board which connects to a 'TWLC-FDUMMY'. Written to it is 'TWL EVA' version 3.1, used to evaluate
Nintendo DSi systems in a factory setting before they made their way to store shelves.
DS Download Station Cartridges - Volumes 16, 17 and 18
- Listing Price: 15¥
- Listing Description: "NDS original unreleased cassette DOWNLOAD STATION rare collection"
- Listing Description (Original): "NDS原装未发售卡带DOWNLOAD STATION稀有收藏"
A set of 3 DS Download station cartridges (volumes 17, 18 and 19), used to distribute demos and videos via download play.
EA and Activision DSi XL Panda Unit Top Halves
- Listing Price: 65¥
- Listing Description: "Nintendo original ultra-rare NDSiXL development machine upper half console"
- Listing Description (Original): "任天堂原装 超稀有NDSiXL开发机上半边主机"
The top halves of DSi XL 'Panda' units, some of which were once used by developers at EA and Activision, judging by the asset stickers.

DSi Panda Unit Top Halves
- Listing Price: 58¥ (Sold in sets of 5)
- Listing Description: "The upper half of the i host is packaged in 5 units. Note that the screens are basically broken and the cables are broken."
- Listing Description (Original): "i主机 上半边机 打包出5台58元包邮随机发, 拆零件用, 注意 屏幕基本都是断排线的"
The top halves of various DSi XL 'Panda' units. Judging by the sticker with 'Dr. Lobe' (Big Brain Academy for DS/DSi) printed on it, some of these may have seen use at Nintendo EAD.
X4 Nintendo DS Prototype/Factory Unit
- Listing Price: 188¥ (Though, this seller often does not list items for their genuine prices)
- Listing Description: "Nintendo nds factory tested machine won't turn on without batteries - Factory tested machine case, these are not the same as the retail machine."
- Listing Description (Original): "任天堂 nds 工厂检测机 无电池开不了机 工厂检测用机的外壳,这些和零售机都是不一样的。"
An X4 Nintendo DS prototype that was likely used in a factory setting, judging by the listing description and cables on the underside.

A unit of the same origin as this one had it's firmware dumped and released via Forest of Illusion by Twitter user MasChief in 2022. (Firmware dump)
As can be expected of a prototype, there are numerous differences compared to the retail Nintendo DS firmware.
DSi XL Demo Video Cartridges
- Listing Price: 15¥
- Listing Description: "Ultra Rare DSi Demo Video Demonstration Card"
- Listing Description (Original): "超稀有DSi Demo Video 演示卡"
A set of two DSi-exclusive kiosk cartridges. Each play a looping video showcasing gameplay footage of DS/DSi titles.

Nintendo RED Prototype Chinese Version DS - (Showoff Listing)
- Listing Description: "Nintendo ultra-rare NDS console Chinese version design prototype"
- Listing Description (Original): "任天堂 超稀有 NDS主机 中国版 设计原型机"
Not much is known about this system, all that seems to be confirmed is what is in the listing's description, as well as it's origin of Nintendo Research & Engineering Department (RED).
The text on the labels roughly read:
Development Technology Department Management Nomura GM |
China Version |
NCL:RED Chinese ver. |
Original text:
開発技術部管理 野村GM |
中国版 |
NCL:RED Chinese ver. |

Broken DS/GBA Factory Cartridge Boards
- Listing Price: 99¥
- Listing Description: "Nintendo factory testing materials"
- Listing Description (Original): "任天堂工厂测试的料板"
Two broken factory test cartridge boards, and two GBA cartridge boards that have had their components de-soldered.
Basically just e-waste.

Prototype Pokewalker PCBs
- Listing Price: 99¥
- Listing Description: "Original Nintendo pedometer motherboard, undivided for collection, very rare"
- Listing Description (Original): "任天堂原装计步器主板 收藏用未分割非常稀有"
A set of uncut, X8 prototype Pokewalker PCBs, model number NTR-PHC-X8.
The date code '1909' would suggest they may have been manufactured on the 19th week of 2009. (Around the 4th to 10th of May.)

Best Buy Nintendo Zone DS Lite
- Listing Price: 260¥
- Listing Description: "Nintendo rare nintendo Zone for NDSL console"
- Listing Description (Original): "任天堂稀有nintendo Zone for NDSL主机"
A Nintendo DS Lite used to broadcast a Nintendo Zone Beacon in Best Buy stores.

'KIS-CARD' Cartridge
- Listing Price: 88¥
- Listing Description: "Nintendo original unsold NDS ultra-rare KIS-CARD physical simulation card"
- Listing Description (Original): "任天堂原装 未发售 NDS超稀有 KIS-CARD实体模拟卡"
This is a KIS-CARD. In the 3DS factory process, it's used for NTRBoot.

It's also been seen in certain 3DS XL kiosks. (via Reddit) -