Dummy Sony Memory Stick
- (Listing was deleted before I could gather info, likely just had the title 'Nintendo')
A Sony Memory Stick with a bare PCB and a wire for pulling. Given the presence of arrows at different lengths on another of similar origin, it was likely used to check if the reader component was installed correctly.

GameBoy Advance Test LCD - 'Good Sample'
- Listing Price: 300¥
- Listing Description: "GBA sample screen, not much practical value, suitable for collection"
- Listing Description (Original): "gba屏幕 样本屏幕一张,没啥实用价值,适合收藏级别"
A GameBoy Advance LCD known to be in good working order, used for testing. The label on the back reads 'AGB LCD Machine Inspection Good Sample'.

Factory Test Screen
- Listing Price: 1999¥
- Listing Description: "Nintendo Factory Test Screen"
- Listing Description (Original): "任天堂工厂测试屏幕"
A seemingly updated factory test screen.

'TFT-T-00' Factory Test Screen
- Listing Price: 1666¥
- Listing Description: "Dedicated Nintendo test screen. polarized and aged. Not broken, requires dedicated cable connection"
- Listing Description (Original): "任天堂专用卡带测试屏幕,偏光老化,没碎,需要专线连接"
A Nintendo-branded LCD display with a severely damaged polarizer film. From around 2000.