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Dummy Sony Memory Stick

A Sony Memory Stick with a bare PCB and a wire for pulling. Given the presence of arrows at different lengths on another of similar origin, it was likely used to check if the reader component was installed correctly.

https://odd-taobao.neocities.org/images/memstick2.png https://odd-taobao.neocities.org/images/memstick1.png

https://odd-taobao.neocities.org/images/memstick3.png https://odd-taobao.neocities.org/images/memstick1.png

GameBoy Advance Test LCD - 'Good Sample'

A GameBoy Advance LCD known to be in good working order, used for testing. The label on the back reads 'AGB LCD Machine Inspection Good Sample'.


Factory Test Screen

A seemingly updated factory test screen.



'TFT-T-00' Factory Test Screen

A Nintendo-branded LCD display with a severely damaged polarizer film. From around 2000.