Nintendo 3DS
X4 Prototype New Nintendo 3DS Top Half
- Listing Price: 100¥
- Listing Description: "Nintendo not on sale new3DS console trial works X4 version on the half"
- Listing Description (Original): "任天堂 未发售 new3DS主机 试作品 X4版本 上半"
The top half of an X4 Prototype New Nintendo 3DS.

X5 Prototype New Nintendo 3DS Top Halves
- Listing Price: 100¥
- Listing Description: "Nintendo not on sale new3DS console trial works X5 version on the half"
- Listing Description (Original): "任天堂 未发售 new3DS主机 试作品 X5版本 上半"
The top halves of two X5 Prototype New Nintendo 3DS units. During the first of the two's use, it belonged to Lars Knudson; a translator at NOA.
(The unit in the last image is from a seperate listing, however was the same price and revision as the one before it.)

3DS Panda Unit Top Half
- Listing Price: 35¥
- Listing Description: "Nintendo original 3DS development machine upper half of the machine rare plating color ordinary machine without the color"
- Listing Description (Original): "任天堂原装 3DS开发机 上半机 稀有电镀色普通机器没有的颜"
The top half of a 3DS 'Panda' development unit.

A Japanese panda unit in one piece, via ConsoleVariations.

PARTNER-CTR Kit Controller Top Half
- Listing Price: 35¥
- Listing Description: "Nintendo original 3DS DEBUG test machine, the first half of the machine is in very good condition"
- Listing Description (Original): "任天堂 原装 3DS DEBUG测试机 上半机机器成色非常好"
The top half of a PARTNER-CTR kit's controller (3DS interface).

An example of a PARTNER-CTR kit with it's controller.
'CTR-LU-J1' Board
- Listing Price: 199¥
- Listing Description: "Nintendo inspection substrate"
- Listing Description (Original): "任天堂检测基板"
Just a small board with the model 'CTR-LU-J1' and several diodes between two connectors.

'CTRC-MAIN-ANALOG-01' Motherboard
- Listing Price: 999¥
- Listing Description: "Nintendo Factory Beta"
- Listing Description (Original): "任天堂工厂测试版"
A CTR board with two cartridge slots, component output and a headphone jack. An obscured label appears to read 'CTRANA10--37'.